There is a transitory grace in the way that light and shade interact with the landscape, producing amazing effects, lasting for only a few minutes, or even seconds, before the light changes and everything looks ordinary again. These are the moments that make you want to just stand and stare in awe and wonder, the moments that make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. As you realise that the world will never look exactly the same again, you become aware that you too are forever changed as a result of that experience. The powerful peace and tranquility of those moments emerges through these images, as those fleeting seconds of spiritual and emotional wonder are captured.
Alex’s great challenge is to try and be in the right place at exactly the right time, and then to capture these ‘stand and stare’ moments for others to enjoy. Please spend a few moments looking through the galleries, and as you do, Alex hopes that you too will want to ‘stand and stare’.