2021 Calendar

I am very excited to have received the proofs for my first calendar! I have been asked many times if I do calendars, and now the answer is a resounding ‘Yes!’

I have never done one before because I could never find a printer that would make a relatively small number without the unit costs being too high. Obviously one of the problems with making a calendar is that if they don’t sell, then they are just so much waste paper, and that has always put me off. So, here goes for the Alex’s Landscapes 2021 Calendar.

I have made a page on the website to encourage people to make a pre-order as this gives me a better idea of the numbers that I need to order from the printer, and these will be sent out week commencing 21st September. I should have them before that date, so if you desperately want one to send to a relative in a far flung corner of the universe, then let me know when you need it and I will do my best to accommodate.

I will, hopefully, be back at craft and gift markets very soon - I am expecting to be at Romsey Town Hall on 5th September and then Lymington Masonic Hall two weeks later on the 19th September. There are still a few gaps in my diary where events have been cancelled, such as the Romsey Show (12th September) and the Southampton University Christmas Market (29th November), so if you know of an event that needs me then please get in touch.

If you have got this far, then thanks for reading.
